IamADD.com – The WHATEVER Network!


Dubbed “The Forgetful Founder” (by someone whose name he now can’t remember), he has now written 279 articles (on startups & viral marketing & entrepreneur education) that he has yet to publish, he owns 365 domain names for potentially-viral concepts he has yet to launch, his office is cluttered with boxes of inventory for 100+ products he has yet to release, and...

He possesses the most extreme traits (good & bad) of being extraordinarily INTP & ADD, resulting in a nasty habit of getting ~80% DONE* with [whatever], then getting bored or distracted (after the dopamine-rush of the initial challenge fades), often just stopping in the middle of...

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So... um... anybody want to work on any of the following with us? ;)

P.S. While everything on this page is 100% real/true, I am aware that the tone of the page is rather light/goofy/silly/ridiculous. I am more than happy to talk (privately) about the darker/depressing side of my personal experiences/struggles with ADD (which I’ve now been battling so long that the presence/absence of the “H” in ADHD was thought to indicate 2 different things way back when I bought this IamADD.com domain).


Back to my core premises/philosophies for the “Master Plan” (that I will probably still be talking about launching from my nursing home when I’m 90!)...

ReThinking "Startups" - and #StatusQuoBias in Early Entrepreneur Education...

Multi-Part Master Plan:

PART 1: @500Failures

& #FrequentFounderFailFactors
 Findings From a 5-year Analysis of 500 FAILED FOUNDERS!

PART 2: @PhilosoFounder

& Improvement Initiatives
 to #DiscussAndDebate (and, ideally, Demonstrate!) via:

PART 3: @CoFounderator
Cohort-based Community of 
Project-based PROGRAMS,
EXPERIMENTS in Entrepreneur Education
 #TransparentTesting of:

PART 4: @MultipleBaskets
10 "Buckets" x 10 "Baskets" x 10+ Parallel Products
= 1000+ #PursuitOfProof *P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
*[Products AContent ASocial Marketing]
#ValueBeyondSales #LearningWhileLaunching
#MultipleBaskets of Microcosms


MORE [whatever] COMING SOON! ~ CoFounderator@gmail.com to maybe work w/ us?

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